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About Us

Dedicated to providing clean and safe air quality to businesses throughout Ireland.

AirFront Limited - Working alongside you for guaranteed results.

AirFront Limited was setup by Mervin Burns and Daren Lowndes with a view to improving the Indoor Air Quality for people and also helping people to understand the importance of maintaining good IAQ and how to know its being done correctly. With almost 60 years of direct experience, operating their own companies in the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVAC industry, AirFront Limited was born.

Building on their already established HVAC root, they began development of innovative smart sensors to help people better understand the quality of the air they are breathing and also what to do about it.

Once real-world data started being recorded by AirFront Limited sensor system (NIA airSmart), it was quickly realised that the vast majority of air conditioning systems were either poorly maintained, with no traceability, or poorly designed and installed. This realisation led to our multifaceted approach to inexpensively upgrade HVAC systems to at least provide people with the quality of air that they should be getting.

These upgrades include the AirFront Limited air purification systems, air filter optimisation and monitoring so as that our customers and their customers and staff know what is in the air that they are breathing.

Our Team

Mervin Burns


Mervin has run his own successful air conditioning business since 1997 and has also, during that time, acted as a consultant to large scale International firms in the development of Heat Pump systems, and cutting-edge ventilation products. He brings a wealth of knowledge in the design and development of products and has been largely responsible for the NIA product range. His skill set covers all aspects of the product from conception, design and through to the user-friendly technology that our range utilises. Mervin will be giving up direct management of his business to concentrate on the development of NIA full time. He will need to appoint a manager to take the interests up in his business and manage it full time.

Daren Lowndes


Daren has nearly thirty years of experience in the air conditioning and data centre businesses. He started off as an apprentice electrician before moving into a sales role. He has worked his way up through various roles and eventually set up the European arm of an American engineering firm involved in the data centre business. The business was taken form a standing start and he was responsible for all aspect of the business from sales through to finance. He exited the business after four years following the successful sale the year previously. Having then taken up the role of Director of Sales EMEA for an air-handling unit manufacturer, Daren currently manages a budget of approximately €80 million per year. He has extensive contacts across EMEA, NASA and APAC which will be fully utilised for NIA development. He will be standing down form this role to pursue the global development of NIA.

Partnerships for guaranteed results

Airfront systems can be found everywhere from homes to offices, shops, public buildings and industrial spaces to mention just a few.

If you operate a space that requires better quality air and hygiene then we want to talk with you.