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Ozone air purifiers can be dangerous… keep yourself and your family safe!

Health effects of Ozone Producing Air Purifiers

One of the most touted types of air purifiers are those that generate ozone. But is ozone all that safe ? This article by Philip Owens of Cleanup Expert discusses how ozone affects the body, what ozone air purifiers are, and alternatives to these devices.

Instead of unsafe ozone-belching machines, here are the air purifiers you should use:

  • Hepa Devices: HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air. HEPA filters are the only type of air cleaners that meet specific EPA standards for effectiveness. A filter has to screen out 99.7% of particles that are .3 microns or larger to meet these standards. HEPA air purifiers are effective at trapping airborne particles, but they won’t remove odors, chemicals, or gases.
  • Activated Carbon Technology: Activated carbon filters in these machines capture contaminants such as chemical emissions and cigarette smoke. They also trap odors. They’re even effective at sucking formaldehyde, which can be given off by carpet, wood, and upholstery from your indoor air.
  • Ionized Air Purifiers: Ionized air cleaners work by generating ions, which are positively or negatively charged particles. These ions then bond with pollutant particles, which cause the particles to harmlessly fall on household surfaces or the floor.
  • Combination Hepa and Activated Carbon: Air purifiers that combine HEPA filters and activated carbon technology can eliminate airborne particles while getting rid of unpleasant odors. These purifiers provide the most advanced air purification available.

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